シンギュラリティ高等学校 SHINGULARITY HIGH School

学費についてアイコン School Fees
Information about the cost of admission and tuition


Admission fee, tuition fee, and financial aid system

Refer to the table below for the enrollment fee and tuition fee amount for those eligible for the high school tuition national financial aid system and the Hiroshima Prefecture tuition reduction subsidy system. If a scholarship system is applied, tuition and other fees will be waived.

Admission fee and other fees

The admission fee is determined based on factors such as annual household income.

Household income Admission fee Facility fee, system usage fee, education-related fee (annual)
approx. ¥2.7 million or less ¥0 50,000
*for the first year this amount is to be paid along with the admission fee.
approx. ¥2.7 million to ¥3.5 million ¥5,650
approx. ¥3.5 million and over ¥10,000
  • *For more information, please check the national and Hiroshima Prefecture websites.
Visual of the reduction of the school’s admission fee when Hiroshima Prefecture’s tuition fee reduction subsidy system is applied.
(*applies only to Hiroshima Prefecture residents)
  • *For more information, please check the national and Hiroshima Prefecture websites.


Tuition and fees will be determined based on the annual income of the household. Tuition is paid in half-year installments.

Household income Tuition
approx. ¥3.5 million or less ¥0
approx. ¥3.5 million to ¥5.9 million ¥25,250/month
approx. ¥5.9 million to ¥9.1 million ¥41,000/month
approx. ¥9.1 million or more ¥50,000/month
Visual of the reduction of the school’s tuition fee when the high school tuition national financial aid system and the Hiroshima Prefecture tuition reduction subsidy system is applied. (*applies only to Hiroshima Prefecture residents)
  • *For more information, please check the national and Hiroshima Prefecture websites.

Other financial aid systems

Re-study support grant system

eligible households Students who meet all of the following criteria are eligible:
  • Those who have dropped out of (high) school
  • Those who have not graduated from high school (did not obtain high school diploma)
  • Those who have enrolled in a high school for more than 36 months (48 months for those who attended high school part-time or enrolled in correspondence/distance courses)
  • Those who enrolled in high school on or after April 1, 2014 (those who were eligible for the new school support grant system)
  • Those whose taxable income and the amount calculated by the municipal inhabitant tax adjustment deductions (total amount for all guardians, etc.) are less than ¥304,200.
payment Household income less than approx. ¥5.9 million ¥24,750/month
Household income approx. ¥5.9 million to ¥9.1 million ¥9,900/month

Scholarship benefits

Funds can be used for educational materials and Japan Sport Council (JSC) premiums.

eligible households The following households are eligible:
  • Those exempt from prefectural and municipal income taxes.
payment ¥52,100
Please contact our school office for more information.

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Tuesday–Saturday 9 AM–6 PM


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you can increase your own potential and
shape the future together with AI.