シンギュラリティ高等学校 SHINGULARITY HIGH School

卒業までの歩みアイコン Curriculum
Introduction of required subjects to obtain your high school diploma and academic subjects needed to achieve your goals.


Obtaining a High School Diploma

To obtain a high school diploma, students need to have been enrolled for at least 36 months, acquired 74 credits, and spent 30 hours in extracurricular activities. Obtaining a high school diploma will greatly expand one's future options.
At Singularity High School, we provide an environment where students can study subjects they want to learn while completing academic courses that will become valuable building blocks towards achieving their goals into the future.

Minimum requirements to obtain a high school diploma


Earning Course Credits

Students can earn credits for courses that meet all of the following requirements (see 1-3 below). If even one of the following courses is missing, credits will not be granted. Credits that were missed will have to be retaken in the following course or later.

  1. Written report and correction guidance

    Students must write a report to reflect and affirm what they have learned. The content of the report can range from the prescribed learning content of required courses to subjects tailored to each student's interests. Students may proceed to their own pace with the assistance and support of facilitators and FAs (Facilitator Assistants).
    After the report has been checked and necessary adjustments/corrections have been made, it will be returned to the student to review alongside their course subject teacher, facilitator, and/or FA to discuss and further deepen their learning opportunities.

  2. Schooling

    Schooling refers to face-to-face learning. The format will vary depending on the subject, from classroom-based lectures to learning on the field, physical activities, and class sizes ranging from a small group to a large class of 40 students. The schooling will be conducted primarily at Yasuura Campus. Schooling is not always available, but there are set periods of about 7 courses per year that students can choose to partake in based on the credits that each student wishes to earn.

    • Available schooling

      Spring schooling 1: May
      Spring schooling 2: July
      Summer schooling 1: August
      Summer schooling 1: October
      Autumn schooling 1: December
      Winter schooling 1: January
      Winter schooling 1: March
      *Autumn has only 1 schooling available

    • Location

      Yasuura Campus, etc.

  3. Credit Exam (test)

    A test will be administered after the end of the schooling period for each course. The implementation method varies in format from paper test, oral exam, interview, or practical exam, and the criteria to pass will depend on the subject.

Course subject

We offer Japanese, Mathematics, English, Music, comprehensive research time, etc. Of the 74 credits required for graduation, students must earn at least 54 credits from these subjects. In addition, there are required courses, elective courses, and free courses in these subject areas. At the beginning of each course, a career meeting will be held with facilitators and other faculty members to guide students in determining which classes should be taken at what grade level to successfully graduate.

For the five main subjects (Japanese, Mathematics, Social Studies, Science, and English), Hiroshima University students and others will be available to provide support such as going over the basics and aid during the report writing support period. So those who struggled in their elementary or junior high school years and lack confidence in their academic skills can rest assured that don't have to face the challenge alone.
At singularity High School, we will do our best to build each student's academic confidence and support everyone's learning journey.

School-designated courses

In addition to the compulsory course subjects, we also offer courses called “school-designated" courses. These courses include video production, practical English, entrepreneurship, and many more. These courses will help students acquire knowledge and skills that will be beneficial into the future. Students may earn up to 20 credits out of 74 credits from these "school-designated" subjects. As with the academic courses, a career meeting will be held with facilitators and other faculty members to guide students in determining which classes should be taken at what grade level to successfully graduate.

If there is anything else on your mind that you wish to learn no matter the subject, please do not hesitate to let a facilitator know! We will do our best to provide an ideal learning environment to help maximize learning potential and achieve everyone's dreams.

At Singularity High School,
you can increase your own potential and
shape the future together with AI.